

Nike kommer att släppa en guide där man går igenom alla Air Force One's. En interaktiv site som släpps den 11e April.
Det är sammanlagt 929st AF1's plus lite annat man kommer gå igenom på denna siten.

Jag köpte mina första AF1's typ 99 eller nått, och jag har kvar dom än (mest som prydnad) minns känslan när jag tog på mig dom för första gången!

Ett utdrag från Nike.com:
If the experience in itself of reliving the yesteryears regarding the Air Force 1 wasn’t good enough, Nike has done a good job of making this a very interactive website. They have included such features as “1Print” which allows you to actually create your own poster and purchase it. As well you can continually “add shoes” to your personal ongoing collection. It’s essentially a way of bookmarking your favorite AF1’s for you to share! Got a story about how you scored your first triple double back in ‘82 in those White/Grey High’s? Met your future wife wearing Goldenrod Jewel Mid’s back in ‘99? There is an option to submit stories to Nike to share with all the other AF1 heads out there. Don’t worry I saved the best feature for last. The “Shoe of the Month” gives you the ability to vote for your favorite AF1 each month of 2007. At the end of the year the “Shoe of the Year” will get reissued!

När sidan släpps den 11e April kommer den finnas här:

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